LONGMONT, CO, May 19, 2020 – OneRain is happy to announce the immediate availability of Contrail® Field Decoder Software release version 1.5.1159 used with our StormLink® IQ Decoder and StormLink® RF Receiver in-the-field products.

Optimum network design and the peak performance of gauging stations are critical for the reliable delivery of data in real-time flood warning monitoring systems.
OneRain’s Field Decoder Solutions enable best field practices and testing techniques with the ability to receive and decode ALERT/ALERT2 radio communication signals at a site directly into a laptop. Field staff can readily test, trouble-shoot, and verify that gauge sites and configurations are correct.
What’s new
– Added security with support for decoding encrypted ALERT2 messages
– High data throughput with added support for decoding FEC modes 1 and 2
– Lower IP data usage with configurable IND1.1 Binary output
Compatible with all ALERT2 products, including High Sierra Electronics‘ transmitters and repeaters. The same OneRain-developed features are available in the HSE Model 1012 ALERT2 Decoder.

How to upgrade
This software update is available to licensed Contrail Field Decoder users whose annual standard software maintenance and technical support is active. To update:
- Go to Settings > About > Check for Updates
- You’ll be prompted that updates are available. Click the text next to the Check for updates button to go to the Download page and follow the steps to install the latest version.
As long as your license key is under active maintenance and support, you can run the latest version.